The 3pm Slump

Picture of a takeaway coffee and Arnott's biscuits

Yes you, fellow paper-pusher, I’m calling your name.

It’s 3pm.. and you’ve found yourself in the kitchen shaking the cookie jar around like a giant maraca trying to get your mits on the last Kingston that’s sitting at the bottom of the jar (well, they are my personal fave, move over Milk Arrowroot!).

Whether it’s because you didn’t have a wholesome lunch or because you are just trying to do something else (!!!) to get you through the afternoon (we’ve all had those days), I’m sure you’ve found yourself fallen to the trap of making bad food choices when we are hungry, bored or unprepared. I know I have.

I overcome this problem by being prepared and keeping an inventory of:-

  • an assortment of veggie sticks (or “crudites”, if you’re feeling a little fancy)
  • boiled eggs – for protein and healthy fats
  • hummus – for added protein, a small amount of carbs, a good dose of Omega 3 fatty acids and honestly, because dipping just makes the veggies more fun to eat. I buy the healthy kind from Flannery’s – my favourite is Hafla Organic Hummus. Let’s face it, I’m not making my own so this is the best I can do, plus it’s delicious. Try it – you’ll never eat another brand of store-bought hummus ever again!

A fast, delicious and nutritious snack in next to no time! I have the benefit of a fridge in the office, so I have no excuses! Sprinkle some smoked paprika for an extra flavour punch.

Picture of hummus, boiled egg, cherry tomatoes, carrot and cucumber

Snack pack ingredients

Picture of hummus, boiled egg, cherry tomatoes, carrot and cucumber sticks

Dig in! (pun intended!)

Even better yet, swap your takeaway coffee for a herbal tea or filtered water. Your insides will thank you and you’ll save money too!

If you are hitting the gym after work, top the ingredients on a few Ryvitas or a similar low GI carb.

How do you get through your 3pm slump?

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